OPERATINGSYSTEM: Cloud-centric OS? The ultimate Thin Client?


Poll: Do You Want to Use Chrome OS?

By Klint Finley / November 30, 2010 11:00 AM

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We recently covered five cloud-centric OSes available today. Some of them have been around for years, and can run on old desktop computers. None of them has yet to catch fire in the enterprise or anywhere else – not even Meego, which is sponsored by Intel and Nokia. It seems that people are more excited about Android than Chrome OS.

Is Chrome OS, or one of the alternatives, something YOU would want to use?

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The question, with “cloud computing”, with “cloud operating systems”, or even with Windoze with it’s Update “Service” that can change the underlying OS without User or Administrator permission, is “change control”.

How do I know that it works and works in a functionally identical manner when I can’t have “change control”?

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