GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Generals get special treatment

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Different Spanks for Different Ranks

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But that sanction is far less severe than the punishment imposed on enlisted personnel and lower-ranking officers. Enlisted members would almost certainly face an Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), resulting in the loss of a stripe, forfeiture of a portion of their pay for several months, and the eventual end of their military careers. Officers would also receive an Article 15, with an accompanying fine and possible separation from the service. Offenders in both groups would also lose access to classified information and face an uphill fight in restoring their clearances.

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As an ex USAF nco, I know that this is unexplainable. Other RHIP!

As a little L libertarian, I’m not big on DUI laws. Unless there is injury and / or property damage, then a trial and throw the book at people.

For all the gooferment’s ranting and raving, it’s generally conceded that the damage USUALLY comes from repeat offenders and that the sanctions don’t keep drunks off the road.

(1) Repeat offenders (i.e., with a prior DUI conviction or even an arrest or warning) get a mandatory jail term. It’s too dangerous to let them out on the road. First offense earns a year; second, a decade; third two decades. This non-sense of ten convictions is a joke.

(2) We need to reform the DUI laws in two ways: If no injury or damage, then a warning with teeth (i.e., you’ve been warned and should you case injury or damage, then those counts as your first offense.)

None of this Blood Alcohol Levels in random stops. It’s not about making money for the gooferment; it’s about really protecting the public.

(3) And generals shouldn’t get any consideration. What the enlisted and junior officers get is what the should get. Perhaps with an adder. There is nothing that kills an organization more than hypocrisy!


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