GOVEROTRAGEOUS: 1099’s galore?

May 16, 2010
Democrats bring death by a thousand new regulations
Ed Lasky

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The absurdity of this approach is clear in the ObamaCare legislation. Among its features are a requirement that all businesses file 1099s for any person or vendor that they pay $600 or more over the course of the year. This will be a nightmare for many small businessmen already laboring under the impact of existing rules , as well as other ObamaCare impacts, as this Investors Business Daily column makes clear.

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Has anyone thought about the absurdity of all this paper being mailed around. Is this some type of subsidy to the Post Office? And, how about all the IRS workers that will have to be hired!


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INTERESTING: Just had a windshield star repaired; easy, cheap, and effective

Had some time to kill. (Lots of that from time to time.) Did the Safelite Auto Glass thing on my “star”. Worked well. THe insurance company waived my deductible and paid the 138$. (Why I don’t know? I had high deductible so they would never get bill for the windshield. So why did they pay? A process failure? Maybe they need a BPR consultant? You know “bothering people relentlessly”.)


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RANT: Pacific wasn’t as good as BoB; scarier in some ways

Just finished watching the conclusion of Pacific. It was better than Band of Brothers in that it gave some feel for post-war PTSD. Those guys had to be nuts. Kill or be killed in the mud. Against the “crazy” Japanese. To be manipulated at home by politicians. Made whatever FDR did deserving a special place in Dante’s lowest circle of Hell. Argh! Wilson did the same thing leading up to WW1.

I like Robert Heinlein’s idea in his novel Starship Troopers that only veterans should be able to vote or run for office. Be a lot less wars!

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LINKEDIN: Another reason NOT to use your employer’s email adress on LinkedIn  

LinkedIn to a Lawsuit
by Jim Hammerand Mar 31 2010

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As case law develops, courts could decide whether the online connections employees make at work belong to the employee or employer. Courts, Cotter said, have “a lot of discretion” in deciding whether comparable customer lists and contacts are trade secrets and whether social-networking activity can be covered by competitive agreements.

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Clearly, if you have a non-compete, then you’ve got a problem.

But, it can’t hurt to make sure that your LinkedIn account looks “personal”.

I’d go so far as to say you should NEVER use social networking from the company’s hardware, software, or network.

With 3G, 4G, and public wifis for networking. With iphone, ipad, netbooks, and cheap notebooks. With Open Source Software, as opposed to the corporate Microsoft suite. All demonstrate the difference.


Remember the sources of my education: I’m just a fat old white guy injineer with Law from watching Judge Judy, Medical from Doctor Phil, Building from Holmes on Homes, and Investing from Bernie Made-off.

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