POLITICAL: I’ll defend the country; not the regime, administration, or the gooferment


April 29, 2010
The Quintessential Defender of the Military
Posted by Laurence Vance on April 29, 2010 07:40 PM

*** begin quote ***

<<Quoting a student who was upset with his blog post>>

“It comes down to patriotism and the saying the [sic] many people live by is Love It, Or Leave It. If you don’t love the country or those who defend it then there is no room for you here. The people who put their lives on the line everyday no matter what the politics are in a conflict, they are Hero’s. [sic] If you enjoyed the freedom of typing out this article, than you can thank the military. People join the military to do their duty to protect our freedoms for not only us but our future generations.”

*** end quote ***

My “humble” observations:

  1. “Luv it or leave it” — Why? I paid my dues. Taxes were stolen from me. Loving the country is not necessarily “loving” the regime, government, or its military.
  2. “Defend it” — As soon as the “enemy” comes across the border or lands on the beaches, I’ll be on the line. And, I’ll even bring my own gun.
  3. “Lives on the line every day” — If the government was observing its own Constitution, then we would not have several undeclared wars going on while having troops in about (I’m told) 170 countries. (When did WW2 end? “We” still have troops in Germany!)
  4. “Hero’s” — No, they are mercenaries. And, the word implies a value judgement. Values we clearly don’t share.
  5. “Enjoy freedom” — The Dead Old White Guys told me in their writings that my “rights” come from my Creator. And, that Gooferments were instituted among Men to secure these rights. Were they wrong?
  6. “Thank the military” — If they were defending the borders within their Constitutional bounds, maybe I’d agree. remember the Constitution only authorize the Army to be called up for two years. What ever did happen to that restriction?
  7. “Join the military” — Sorry, folks join the military for numerous reasons that has nothing to do with posterity’s freedom. Tuition, pay the bills, and shoot big guns leaps to mind.

I think we need patriots who will stay out of the military and fight the expansion of the gooferment. That’s heroic. And dangerous.

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