MONEY: Nuke inflation; not the Republic of Where-The-Heck-Is-That-is-tan!

Wall Street vs. the Middle Class
by Gary North

***Begin Quote***

There is a price for this upward access to greater wealth: the possibility of a fall into poverty. This is a greater threat to the rich than to the middle class. The rich are at the far right edge of the bell-shaped curve. There are few of them. Their position is insecure, for good reason. The free market rewards those sellers who serve consumers efficiently, wasting few scarce resources. Consumers are a fickle bunch. They keep asking sellers, “What have you done for us lately?” There are always many competitors trying to get rich. They are ready to replace today’s rich people. Today’s rich people know this. They are therefore ready and willing to pull up the ladder that enabled them to replace yesterday’s rich.

***End Quote***

I love his metaphors. It sounds like the poor swap places with the rich. (Yeah, I know it doesn’t work like that, but it looks that way.)

The inflation hurts the middle and the bottom disproportionately. That’s why you would think that sound money (i.e., Ron Paul wanting to nuke the Fed; not Iraq, Iran, North Korea, or the Republic of Where-The-Heck-Is-That-is-tan!) would be a winning economic policy. I don’t understand the sheep.

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