LIBERTY: Forced service is slavery!

Values Voters’ Get Earful of Truth from Ron Paul

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But anyway, I want to get back to the draft…

This is an issue where the pro-liberty position, the truly moral position, is painfully simple. If we are forced into a service for which we would not volunteer, then we do not own ourselves. If we do not own ourselves, we are not free people. This would have been a no-brainer for the founding fathers, who constructed our government based on the notion that individuals were born free and sovereign.

To the signers of the Declaration of Independence, it was “self-evident” that people were born with “inalienable rights” and that a legitimate government “derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.” Over time, we have been successful in extending the Declaration’s promise to individuals who happen to be female and/or non-white. But we’ve gone in a radically wrong directon on other fronts, and the draft provides a perfect example. Forced service is a form of slavery, period.

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It’s clearly an idea who’s time has past!

So why are the politicians afraid to end it?

It means jobs for their friends and relatives. Contracts for their contributors. And, more than anything, something they can pander about!

End the draft and draft registration now!!

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