HEALTH: “The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath….”

BOOM! Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche delivers one of his best here “The Covid-19 mass vaccination program violated all principles of Science and the Hippocratic Oath….”

  • Full disclosure he is a friend and someone I greatly admire; he has been sidelined by the Freedom Fighter media, interviewed & sidelined for he knows more, knew more & they know he is correct!

Dr. Paul Alexander

Jul 15, 2023

  • Mass vaccination has to be considered the largest and most dangerous gain-of-function experiment ever conducted in the history of biology; this mass vaccination into the teeth of an ongoing pandemic was a catastrophic failure and the worse is yet to come. We severely disregarded the evolutionary capacity of the virus to adapt and we failed to approach this within the complex virus-population immunity response puzzle that it is, a delicate dance. Each pressuring the other and forcing change with selective pressure our greatest enemy. 

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I would therefore like to express my concerns regarding the infection-prevention measures and mass vaccination program recommended by the WHO during this pandemic, which I believe lack scientific rationale and should be considered a significant blunder in the history of medicine, public health, and vaccine science. 

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In one fell swoop, the entire of society has been betrayed by the people most trusted  — doctors.

“I wouldn’t believe you, if your tongue came notarized.” … attributed to Judge Marilyn Milian, but may have an earlier history.

Now I don’t trust any “expert” about anything ever.

Maybe the service manager at my car dealership.  He’s never steered me wrong.



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The Gooferment is bluffing to get people jabbed

Biden’s Vaccination Mandate: Where Are the Regulations?

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Writer Alex Berenson has taken notice of this too and did some quick research. He found a blog that says there is no order, confirming exactly what the congressman told me. 

If there is no [private sector] mandate yet, then obviously, none of the companies are under any obligation to enforce it.

OSHA is apparently the federal agency responsible for framing a set of regulations for the mandate, including fines. But federal agencies only construct regulations after a law has been passed or an EO is issued.

If I’m correct, and no EO has been published, we have an odd situation, to say the least.

Governors and lawyers have been threatening to sue, because the EO is unconstitutional and overrides state powers. But if there is no Presidential EO, then all these legal cases would be meaningless, because, again, there is no official mandate.

Is the White House stalling? Do they realize the EO and the mandate will be overturned in court? Are they hoping to achieve corporate compliance without an official mandate?

I’ve queried several lawyers. One suggested that so far, in this situation, the feds are mandating by bluffing.

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The Emperor has no clothes!

“We, The Sheeple” should reject corporate mandates that allude to “regulations” because there are none.
