GOVEROTRAGEOUS: You really didn’t think that Hunter’s art work was worth a kool ½ mill $ each. Did you?

Mark Levin: Biden ‘May Be the Most Corrupt President in American History’
JEFF POOR  2 Apr 2022

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Earlier this week, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker and host of FNC’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” Mark Levin weighed in on the ongoing saga of corruption allegations aimed at President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden and other members of Biden’s family.

Levin described President Biden as possibly the “most corrupt president in American history” and called for a special counsel to investigate.

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“Possibly”?  “May Be”?

I’d suggest there is no “possibly” or “may be” at all. 

It the Biden’s were R’s, then the mob would be “outraged”.

You really didn’t think that Hunter’s art work was worth a kool ½ mill $ each.  Did you?



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  1. Why did you meet with Devon Archer, your son’s now-convicted business partner, at the White House on April 16, 2014? What was discussed?  Did you discuss anything related to Ukraine, Hunter Biden or Burisma?
  2. Were you aware that Devon Archer joined the board of Burisma six days later?
  3. In April 2014, you gave a speech in Kiev calling for Ukraine to expand its natural gas production, Burisma’s core business. In private emails, Hunter Biden and Archer took credit for the language in the speech. Why did you make the request and did your son or his business partner have anything to do with it? (NEW)
  4. Were you aware that Burisma’s owner, Mykoloa Zlochevsky, was generally viewed as a corrupt oligarch and that his London bank account containing $23 million had been seized by British officials only15 days before Hunter Biden joined the board of a company he owned?
  5. Was Hunter Biden aware that British officials had seized Zlochevsky’s bank account?
  6. When did you first become aware of Zlochevsky and Burisma’s reputations for corruption?
  7. Do you believe Zlochevsky and Burisma are corrupt?
  8. Were you aware in April 2014 that Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma? When did you first become aware that Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma? When did you become aware of how much Hunter Biden was being compensated by Burisma?
  9. Why do you believe Burisma recruited and paid Archer and your son to be on its board?
  10. What skills or knowledge do you believe Hunter Biden possesses that qualified him to be on Burisma’s board and receive $50,000 to $166,000 per month for his and his partner’s services?
  11. When did you learn your son had not paid taxes on some of his overseas work, including on monies received from Burisma?
  12. When did you first learn your son was facing a federal investigation?
  13. State Department officials have testified your son’s work for Burisma while you oversaw [as vice president] Ukraine policy created the appearance of a conflict of interest and they further wrote in a classified email in 2016 that the conflict had undercut U.S. anticorruption efforts in Ukraine. How do you respond to those criticisms? (NEW)
  14. What exactly had Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin done that caused you to threaten to withhold $1 billion in desperately needed aid from Ukraine if President Poroshenko didn’t fire him?
  15. What do you know about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China?
  16. A 2017 series of memos referred to a Chinese business deal your son was involved in that reserved 10% equity for the “big guy.” What did you know about it and were you that “big guy?” (NEW)
  17. What if anything do you know about your son’s dealings with Russian oligarch Elena Baturina?
  18. Did you ever meet with any of Hunter Biden’s foreign business partners from China, Russia or Ukraine, including but not limited to Burisma’s Vadym Pozharskyi or Baturina or her Moscow mayor husband?
  19. What do you know about financial benefits your brothers and sister-in-law have obtained because of their relationship to you?
  20. Emails on your son’s laptop now in the hands of the FBI refer to shared accounts or bills between you and him. Did your son ever give your any money, gift or financial benefit from his business dealings? (NEW)

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GUNS: “Disarm the population” is NEVER a good idea for the poor slob who is sent to it!

AL GOP Senate Hopeful Mike Durant in 2011: Disarming the Population ‘Would Be a Pretty Good Step Toward Law and Order’ in U.S. Cities
2 Apr 2022

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U.S. Army veteran Mike Durant, the current frontrunner in Alabama’s U.S. Senate Republican primary race, once suggested applying military philosophy to restore “law and order” in some U.S. cities by disarming the population.

In 2011, Durant discussed the violence initiated by United Nations forces going door to door to seize firearms in a speech before the U.S. Army War College.

As an aside, he speculated about how doing that in “some of our U.S. cities” could be a means to achieving “law and order.”

“[F]rom a military perspective, the first thing that needs to be done is disarm the population,” he said. “Let’s face it, if we could do that in some of our U.S. cities, that would be a pretty good step toward law and order. But you ever ask yourself, why don’t we do it here? Because it’s hard. It can result in rioting and widespread rebellion and you know, making the situation worse than it already is. But for some reason, we sort of hand-wave all that kind of stuff and go head and hand all those missions down to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. And that’s what happens here.”

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I don’t this it’s fair to paint him as having recommending this.  He said: “ask yourself why”.

For all the gun grabbers, who want to disarm “We, The People”, I invite them to go into the big cities and have at it. 

No, they want others to their dirty work for them.  And a lot of good people will get killed in another “fool’s errand”.

Let’s bring all the girls, boys, women, and men home now! We have so many politicians and bureaucrats to send in their place if it’s really needed!
