TINFOILHAT: Is the “deep state” getting rid of Joe in order to have “their” candidate run?


Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden?
By Josh Hammer
January 13, 2023

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But obvious similarities — hence, Biden’s egregious hypocrisy stemming from his earlier attempt to seize a moral high ground — in these situations aside, there are some crucial differences. Those differences do not reflect well on the current White House occupant.

By far the most important difference is the constitutional distinction in the statuses of the two men at the center of this two-pronged saga: Donald Trump was president of the United States, while Joe Biden was merely vice president of the United States during the time that he absconded with classified documents.

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Whenever the “corporate media” “breaks” an old story (i.e., this was known to them BEFORE the midterm elections), one has to ask “why now?”.

Cui Bono.

Has the Deep State selected his replacement and must “clear the decks” for their preferred candidate?

Is it Kamala, or (imho) the more likely Michelle Obama?

It has been rumored that BHO44 is running the Presidency via Susan Rice.  Will this now be “simplified” by just put in Michelle in the Presidency?

Time will tell.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Is Patriot Front an FBI Hoax?


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Is The “Patriot Front” Group a FBI Hoax?

In a recent video, conservative commentator “Mr. Reagan” asks: Is Patriot Front an FBI Hoax? Two of his observations:  “Conservatives don’t care if their t-shirts match”, and “It is the least convincing hoax that I’ve seen in a while.” 

JWR’s Comments:  It seems like some leftist video game designers were given a big budget for LARPing, and this is what they came up with. I find that it all smacks of something remotely financed, cast, staged, hired, propped, pre-printed, hyped, and phony!  Beware, folks. Beware of rhetoric like: “Revolutionary consciousness.” Beware of the long-haired leader of a conspicuously short-haired group. Beware of slick web sites that look like they came out of Madison Avenue. This hoax has a malodorous stench to it that indicates that it is a well-orchestrated false flag operation. Expect nothing good to come of it, and plenty of Federal prosecutions in the next few years.

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Ferdinand Reinke
Dec 6
Isn’t against UHaul’s TOS to put passengers like cargo? Seems like it’s traffic violation as well!!!!

Quote Tweet
Sharyl Attkisson
· Dec 6

I don’t know what’s going on in the video but one strange thing that stands out: most of America is obese but none of these guys seems to be. What are the odds? twitter.com/trumpjew2/stat…


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Wish some one had the stones to “nudge” on of the trucks in a small fender bender. 

After all insurance companies and police reports have to list all the owners and occupants.  We’d then have the rental agree to see who paid for them.

Bet it was the taxpayer at the behest of the Deep State.

