GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Isn’t an “unfunded mandate” the same as a “takings” under the Fifth Amendment?

 NYC co-op owners, covering over 800K apartments, rebel against massive climate law costing millions
By Carl Campanile
April 30, 2023 8:05pm 

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While supporting the goal of the Climate Change law, co-ops and condo owners said they need assistance to meet the new cleaner energy standards in what they called the “largest unfunded mandate in New York City history.”

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I don’t support  — no surprise  — any type of “climate change” action until they can forecast accurately next month’s weather.  Chaos Theory seems to say that’s impossible.  And, on their way, they need to get China, India, and Pakistan to buy into this foolishness.

As an “on the ground” tactic, every such action should be opposed as a “taking” under the Fifth Amendment.



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