GOVEROTRAGEOUS: “Merry Christmas Jerry” saves 24 plus himself by bold action

Buffalo man hailed as hero for rescuing 24 people during winter storm
By Nicholas McEntyre 
December 30, 2022 7:19am Updated

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Around 6 a.m. on Christmas Eve, and after taking turns running the engine and napping, Withey’s truck ran out of gas and the trio was forced to find proper shelter.

“Off to the left, I could see there was a school about 600, 700 feet away from us. I knew the power would be on, there would be heat in there and I was guaranteeing there would be food in there,” Withey told the station.

After some quick thinking, Withey identified others around him who were also stranded and decided to break into the school.

Withey and his crew, a total of 25, including seven senior citizens, made their way into Pine Hill Primary Center and took shelter — respectfully setting up only what was needed. They set up their main area in the cafeteria, helping themselves only to the food they needed and nothing in the fully stocked freezer, according to police.

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I found it astonishing that he had to break in.

One would think with the approaching storm, the Gooferment  — at all levels  — would order all public buildings to be unlocked.  Same for the Churches.  I’m sure every school has a Principal and a Custodian.  Someone should be authorized to take emergency action.



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