ECONOMICS: Energy is critical to life as we know it and it’s not “free”

Joe Biden’s Energy Crisis
By Rupert Darwall
October 03, 2022

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The West is experiencing its third energy crisis.

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This time is different. The third energy crisis was not sparked by Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies or by Iranian ayatollahs. It was self-inflicted, a foreseeable outcome of policy choices made by the West: Germany’s disastrous Energiewende that empowered Vladimir Putin to launch an energy war against Europe; Britain’s self-regarding and self-destructive policy of “powering past coal” and its decision to ban fracking; and, as Joseph Toomey shows in his powerful essay, President Biden’s war on the American oil and gas industry.

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The USA went from a net exporter to a net importer all to be “green”.  Like “climate change” is a real thing!  And, if it was, that it’s not driven by China and India.

We have not built a gasoline refinery in the USA since the 70’s (or so I’m told).

This “electric car” stupidity is just beyond comprehension.

Hopefully the voters can start taking back control.

31T$ of debt should be a huge wake up call.


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