Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency

Technocracy is the proverbial operating system for the “superclass,” a centralized global elite that is working toward securing the exclusive ownership of all the world’s assets, reducing the rest of us to indebted serfs. While the plans for a NWO based on technocracy, i.e., The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are clearly outlined on websites like that of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and world leaders are using these terms on a regular basis, when people point out the nefarious meaning of these terms, they’re typically dismissed as loony conspiracy theorists. 1 But the NWO is no conspiracy theory.

Source: Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency

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Foundations were made ‘tax exempt’ in the U.S. as ‘charitable’ organizations by the Revenue Act of 1917. This enabled the wealthiest people on Earth to fund their various social engineering projects without the need to pay any income tax. Income tax is only for the little people …

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Seems like it’s time to tax “foundations”!


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