APPLICATION: Address Book — anyone have a good solution?

I’m really tired of struggling with various address books  — IOS, OSX, Android, Google.  Does anyone have an evernote template that could be the universal address book.  I remember an old Windoze app “Little Black Book” that just allowed one to print out specialize address books for different purposes.  For example, I used to print various ones for older relatives that only had “their” items of interest.  Now, it just seems to be a virtually impossible to print something that would look like an address book without a lot of manual effort.  Any suggestions?


2 thoughts on “APPLICATION: Address Book — anyone have a good solution?

  1. The one that I use has worked perfectly for decades now. It has sheets of paper bound in something that I call an “address book”. I knew you would welcome my input on this, you can always rely on me! 😀👍

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