HEALTH: Decide about the WuFlu vax?


I sympathize with everyone because “knowing” what the right thing to do is currently impossible.  There is so much “noise” from “experts” that seems to change with the time of day. 

As far as healthy children taking the new “vaccines”, that seems “unnecessary” given that the data suggests they don’t get the WuFlu and if they do it’s very mild.  But, each parent must decide what risks they will and won’t take.

I’ll never criticize anyone who makes one choice or another.  You pays your money and takes your chances. 

For me personally, I’m not very keen on the whole decision process.  Seems unsubstantiated and rushed. Even my doctors have said privately “wait and see”.  One suggested that with my various blood chemistries (i.e., high levels of D, B1, C; lack of any severe medical problems) that I may be naturally immune. (Surprised me?). 

I’m not an anti-vaxer by any means  — just finished the shingles vax and planning to get the pneumonia vax in mid-Jun  — but i never get the flu vax because it’s low benefit for the risk  — but I think one must be extremely careful about what we do is for the right reasons.  There’s no undo button.

Every time I hear a “public service announcement” by anybody, I think of ex-EPA Christie Whitman: “Ground Zero Air Is Safe” and all the mesothelioma lawyers on TV. 

So to, I try to be charitable to those who have drank the Kool Aid, taken the blue pill or are making imho a “big mistake”.  I’m not a doctor, lawyer, or Indian Chief and I could be very wrong.  If I suffer harm following my opinions, then I know who to blame.  If I follow the herd, ignore my own opinions, and harm befalls me, then who do I blame.

I can state my opinions and reasons relatively firmly but everyone has to chart their own course.

As far as interference with God’s design, that’s so far above my pay grade that I can’t see it.  I do think that we are like children playing with guns  — we know so little, we don’t know what we don’t know, and have no concept of the consequences  — it’s a bad gamble.

In twenty years, maybe the TV commercials will be “if you took the J&J vaccine and had all your hair ingrown, you or your estate can be eligible for a large cash settlement.” 


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