POLITICAL: Be careful what you wish for, you may get it!


Why Democrats should be worried about mail-in voting
By Rich Lowry
September 3, 2020 | 7:54pm

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What should be intolerable is any attempt to change the rules after the fact — although it is ­entirely conceivable that Democrats will feel compelled after Nov. 3 to argue that the mail-in voting that they have done so much to promote is desperately flawed and deeply unjust.

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I’m reminded of the Republican’s reaction to a four term FDR.  They passed an amendment limiting the President to two terms.

Who was the first impacted by it?


And the other adverse effect was to have lame duck President in his second term unable to do much.


So too, it might be “funny” if “mail in ballots” hurts the D’s.  And, the Unintended Consequences might be strife about the elections results!  Anyone remember our old friend from Florida “having chad”?



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