What is our plan for zero-occupancy vehicles?

There is simply no excuse today for not enforcing occupancy-based performance measures for all transportation modes, including AV deployments. A vehicle with zero occupants should not be treated the same as a vehicle with one occupant, or two occupants, regardless of its level of automation. The existence of reliable consumer technology for verifying occupancy means that there is no longer any excuse for federally sponsored AV deployments to be exempt from reporting on occupancy. Such a course correction will result in new opportunities for local and state agencies to safeguard and improve the performance of their road networks, and for auto companies to fully participate in solving the problem of traffic congestion.

Source: What is our plan for zero-occupancy vehicles?

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No plan.

No plan is needed because the marketplace will figure it out.

Certainly any Gooferment plan is doomed to fail if for no other reason that Crony Capitalism!

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