POLITICAL: Nullification is Constitutional and effective; as is Secession if we’re will to fight


Surprise, the Mainstream Media is Wrong Again: Yes, Nullification Does Work

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You don’t have to dig into a history book to prove nullification works. I can prove it does with one word.


In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act, authorizing the possession, cultivation, and use of cannabis (marijuana) for limited medical use.

The federal government claims the power to strictly enforce a total prohibition of marijuana. It makes no exception for medical purposes. Despite federal law, states have advanced the issue each year. This has happened in spite of a 2005 Supreme Court opinion supporting federal prohibition, and a relentless year-to-year increase in spending and enforcement efforts by the federal government.

Today, despite ongoing attempts to enforce federal prohibition, 21 states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana for medical use, and 14 states and D.C. have decriminalized marijuana possession. Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington State have all legalized marijuana for recreational use. Each year, new state laws and regulations help expand the market, and each expansion further nullifies the unconstitutional federal ban in effect.

No matter what the mainstream tells you, nullification works. History proves this. The present proves this. And we will continue to prove it in the future.

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Marijuana was outlawed to protect Hearst’s paper factories from competition. Fueled by that racist and untrue “Reeffer Madness”, “We, The Sheeple” were stampeded into another attempt at “Prohibition”.

Any prohibition doesn’t work. It merely raises the cost to the consumer and allows politicians and bureaucrats to exert more un-Constitutional control over “We, The Sheeple”.


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[Disclosure: I am a financial supporter of the Tenth Amendment Center. https://shop.tenthamendmentcenter.com/product/donate/]

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