GUNS: Existing gun laws are ineffective due to bureaucrat error


A History of Violence 

The gunman who killed 26 people at a Texas church on Sunday morning had a history of domestic abuse, animal abuse and trouble holding down a job, as well as a failed marriage. But 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley’s violent past didn’t prevent him from purchasing weapons. One reason is that the U.S. military failed to submit Kelley’s record to the FBI after a court-martial conviction, including for slamming his baby’s head. The military’s lapse apparently explains why Kelley passed an FBI background check and was allowed to purchase guns in recent years. Authorities are still piecing together his motive. Leading up to the shooting, Kelley sent threatening text messages to his mother-in-law. The shooting left a community in Texas with unspeakable losses: The youngest victim was 1½ years old; the oldest, 77.

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It would seem that the politicians and bureaucrats should be reviewing their FAILURES in their systems.


Once again, “a good guy with a gun” stops the attack. 

So why DON’T we have universal concealed carry?

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