HARDWARE: My first night with a BPAP machine

For those that know me, I don’t sleep well. And, evidently, I was getting worse.

I bought a FITBIT Surge for the “sleep stats” it would give me. Being an ingineer, I like “evidence based” decisions.

The initial results were troubling — 100+ steps in my sleep, terrible awake / restless numbers, and the “heart rate” was in the 80 to 120 range. The pattern continued.


So off to the doc I went.

After an initial visit and screening, a sleep study was ordered.

(Giant PIA)

That reported that I had very bad sleep apnea where I was over “60”. That meant I was breathing 60+ times per hour. (That’s scary!)


So a machine was ordered. 

I was pretty skeptical until a friend related her relative’s experience — untreated, diagnosed later with a n enlarged heart due to the struggle to supply oxygenated blood to the body, he went on to heart problems with a long list of drugs, complications, and hospitalizations, leading to eventual death from a heart attack.

That got my attention.

So, what were my “results” from the first night?

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I’d say that was a dramatic improvement.

I’d agree that having a “headset on your nose” is a “pain in the a double q”, but it seems worthwhile.

SO, for those that snore, here’s some anecdotal evidence that you should look into it further.

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