RANT: What have we learned from 9/11?


Zumwalt: Fifteen Years After 9/11, What Have We Learned?
11 Sep 2016

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Because we fail to label it as such, civilization jihad has established a beachhead throughout the Western world. One need only look to France to understand what is happening.

Today more than half that country’s military is deployed domestically due to the Islamist threat. We see Muslim policemen refusing to protect Jewish synagogues, targeted by supposed Muslim “moderates,” yet the false cry of Islamophobia hides the reality anti-Semitism exists there. No wonder Jews are now leaving France in droves.

Interestingly, even as Muslims on Arab TV broadcast programs raising the issue of their religion’s penchant for violence, political correctness inhibits any such discussion in the West. Given this free pass, clerics in Western mosques continue to preach Islam’s gospel of global sharia to their flocks. While teaching anti-West hatred, some clerics, like England’s recently-convicted (for promoting ISIS) Anjem Choudary, live off welfare, earning more than the British soldiers being sent to fight the Islamism they promote.

What have we learned from 9/11? In the words of the Temptations, “Absolutely nothing!”

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Sadly, he’s absolutely correct.

We are allowing the politicians and bureaucrats to flood the country with “refugees” who immediately get more “welfare” than our own citizens and veterans.

We are allowing “political correctness” to preempt the discussion on important national issues.

We are allowing the leftist “media” to convince us of thing that will destroy us.

AND, worst of all, “we” don’t seem to understand the depth and breath of the problems.

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