MONEY: Serious diversification

IT IS TIME: Move Your Money Out of the US Banking System
By Robert Wenzel
Economic Policy Journal
October 19, 2013

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It is time for serious diversification. Depending upon the size of your assets, there are different things that should be done. But almost everyone should have some cash and gold coins stored outside the banking system. Those with significant assets should begin international diversification now, while it is still possible. I don’t consider any country completely safe from the clutches of the US government so international diversification, among many countries, is also called for: Switzerland and Hong Kong for starters, but also other countries that are not known as tax havens, the USG has their claws into these countries, be creative.

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Time to store: water, beans, bullets, and bandaids … … not necessarily in that order.

Followed by bullion — nickels, silver, and gold.

Note: Not paper!

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