GUN: “stupidity with a firearm

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013

Aaron Alexis, Suspect In Washington Navy Yard Shooting, Was Once Arrested For Shooting Bullet Into Neighbor’s Home

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The suspect in today’s deadly shooting at the Washington Navy Yard was once arrested for discharging a firearm into the ceiling of his Texas residence, according to police records.

Aaron Alexis, 34, was arrested in September 2010 after his upstairs neighbor called Fort Worth cops to report that a bullet had been shot into her apartment. The round apparently first traveled through her home’s floor and then the ceiling.

[UPDATE AT BOTTOM OF PIECE: Alexis was also arrested in mid-2004 for shooting out the tires of a car owned by a construction worker who purportedly “mocked him.” Alexis told cops that an anger-fueled “black out” promted the shooting. Alexis’s father told investigators that his son suffered from “anger management problems” that were related to post-traumatic stress disorder, perhaps connected to his involvement in rescue work following the September 11 terror attacks.]

The woman, whose name is not listed in a Fort Worth Police Department report, said that she was “terrified” of Alexis, who had previously confronted her about making too much noise. The woman, who was “visibly shaken up” when questioned by police, said that she believed the shooting was “intentional.”

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I don’t understand. 

He should have been arrested.

If for nothing more than “stupidity with a firearm”.

If convicted, he’d have been barred from possession.

Yet, now we’ll endure more “gun control”.

In realist, what genius decided it was a good idea to prevent the military from packin on a base?

… … <cue the Jeopardy theme> … …

Bill Clinton!


[Personally, I’m praying for the victims. Victims of Gooferment stupidity.]

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