TINFOILHAT: What was the truth in Dallas?



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In the intervening years a body of literature questioning the official conclusions of the Warren Commission, and the events themselves, led the vast majority of Americans to conclude that there was a conspiracy that went beyond Oswald, or in some cases one that framed Oswald and concealed the real killers. That majority has not really wavered to this day. A small group of researchers worked on the JFK case over those years, filing FOIA requests, digging into new evidence, interviewing witnesses the Commission ignored or misrepresented, giving lectures to the public, and calling for a new investigation. There was enough public pressure in that direction by the mid-1970s to convince Congress to create a Select Committee of the House to study the murders of both President Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hobbled by political considerations and the loss of its original staff director, homicide prosecutor Richard Sprague, the HSCA failed to answer many questions about the forensic evidence and the guilt of the alleged assassins, but did end its probe in 1978, concluding that there had been a “probably conspiracy” which it instructed the Justice Department and FBI to investigate further. To date, those agencies have neither done an honest or thorough investigation of these murders, nor examined the evidence pointing to the role of J. Edgar Hoover, former FBI director in both the assassinations and the cover-up. The HSCA Chairman then ordered their extensive investigative files sealed from public view for 50 years, until 2028. President Johnson had also sealed the Warren Commission investigative files for 75 years in 1965, for potential release in 2035. Freedom of Information Act requests and legal suits succeeded in the getting several thousands of pages released from 1964-1994, but nowhere near the complete classified records on JFK alone.

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It certainly seems that the American Sheeple had the proverbial wool pulled over their collective eyes!

I peobably won’t be alive when the truth does come out, but I remember the events.

How could this happen here?

Easy, the Sheeple don’t care.

As long as the TV is on and the dole continues uninterrupted, what is there to care about.





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