POLITICAL: “… steal the passenger lifeboats …”


Gold, Switzerland and the European Secessionist Movement
Anthony Wile interviews Ron Holland
The Daily Bell

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Ron Holland: Cutting rates, monetary stimulation and creating more fiat money seems to be the only option left to the central banking cartel in Europe and America. For the US, this creates a higher stock market thus making citizens feel more prosperous and less destitute than they really are. This always occurs during a presidential election campaign as the party in power and the president up for re-election need a positive – or in this case an improving – economy to increase their chances of winning the election. Both parties have done this for the last 40 years or so; nothing unusual here.

I really don’t view monetary easing as particularly harmful as it only postpones the inevitable for a little while longer, like moving up the angle of the Titanic as it was sinking from the bow with the stern higher up in the air. You stay dry for a few minutes longer but in the end, you still drown. Today politicians and central bankers are sort of like some crews on recent sinking cruise ships. They are using their time to steal the passenger lifeboats and safely get away while leaving the passengers to swim to shore or drown.

Also, the European Central Bank (ECB) and banking elite efforts to postpone their day of reckoning in Europe and New York is actually somewhat helpful to American citizens and investors. The investor risk in Europe is actually propelling funds into the American stock and bond markets as well as the dollar buying us a little extra time before the crisis crosses the Atlantic. In addition, the EU problems are helping the dollar in the near term on a relative basis to be stronger than it would be otherwise.

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This is an insightful metaphor (i.e., the Titanic’s lifeboats).

It’s interesting and dangerous times.

How does the individual protect themselves and their families?

Clearly, one has to diversify one’s risks.

Make “insurance bets”.

If inflation picks up (more than it is now; if you believe the Gooferment’s numbers), then you have to take precautions.

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