GOVEROTRAGEOUS: End employer-provided health care now

March 21, 2010
A common sense idea regarding health insurance
John Conlin

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End employer-provided health care now. Don’t tax it, end it. Company paid health insurance was never a planned policy. It was a response to temporary and artificial restrictions on wages during World War II. Wage controls were in place and companies discovered another method to compete for employees – company paid health insurance. This was deductible by the business as normal operating expenses, something not offered to the individual. We have lived with this monstrosity ever since.

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Sounds like a good idea.

Think about it like “life insurance”.

It’s cheap, easy, and lightly regulated to prevent fraud. Even car insurance is better than what we have now. And, my favorite “pet health insurance”.

It’ll become available form credit unions, fraternal organizations, and yes even the AARP!

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