POLITICAL: The bailout is a vague pos!


September 27, 2008

Don’t you love representative government?
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff at September 27, 2008 08:37 AM

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Don’t you love representative government? We take potshots at the bailout bill and send e-mails to Congress. Meanwhile, basically in secret, they introduce various plans. We are clueless as to what these plans are or mean. We do not know the details, only vague hints. We are totally unable to follow the debate much less influence it. Half the time or more, most Congressman likewise are clueless. A great deal of haste is involved (Haste makes Waste, remember?) We mainly get promises that, yes, a deal will be reached by Sunday, as if we actually wanted a deal. A deal before Sunday makes it easier to appear on talk shows. Then, suddenly, a bill will appear and be passed. We the people will then have spoken. Don’t you love representative government?

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We know they don’t read what they pass. Why should we be expected to pay for it?

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