NEW JERSEY: The Guv proposed a series of toll hikes


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New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine (D) has proposed a series of toll hikes to begin in 2010 to go towards fixing the state’s budget woes and repairs to roadways. Under Corzine’s Financial Restructuring and Debt Reduction Plan, the cost of the average turnpike trip would increase about five times by 2022 to $9.86. Since the announcement of the plan during his State Of The State address, the plan has met with overwhelming opposition from the public, all wondering what they can do.

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An 800% increase in tolls. Lots more money for Trenton to waste. No sign of any contriteness, contraction, or even shame from the politicians.

The Guv wants an alternative.

How about:

* An across the board 20% cut in all State spending

* Hiring freeze; zero replacement plan.

* Stop all pensions for politicians.

* Freeze state workers pensions. Convert to a cash balance 401k. Give notes to cover the accrued liability.

* Constitutionally limit spending.

* Constitutional end “thorough and efficient education”.

* End welfare.

* Restrict State Government functions to preventing the initiation of force and fraud.

I bet that would obviate the need for the Guv’s “Hock the Roads” plan.

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