TECHNOLOGY: You Can’t Copy

RIAA Says You Can’t Copy Music To Your Computer
Even when you’ve legally purchased the CD that it comes off of
02:04PM Saturday Dec 29 2007 by KathrynV

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They say that even a copy made on to your own computer is considered unauthorized. The Arizona man that they’ve accused of this crime has refused to pay the RIAA fines and the issue is heading to litigation.

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I think we have really now thrown down the red cape in front of the bull.

What kind of “barbara streisand” is this?

I have cassette tapes that I paid through the nose for and they say “tough”.

Well, I say we boycott them.

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POLITICAL: ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field

TV cuts candidates from debates, angering Paul backers

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NEW YORK (AP) — ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field of presidential candidates invited to debates this weekend just before the New Hampshire primary, in Fox’s case infuriating supporters of Republican Rep. Ron Paul.

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Here come the “dirty tricks”.

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