LIBERTY: a state and municipal public-private partnership

Ohio rings in New Year with a broadband initiative
• Posted by Carol Ellison at 7:50 AM Today

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Ohio Governor Ted Strickland officially launched Connect Ohio, a state and municipal public-private partnership aimed at mapping and filling gaps in broadband access across the state.

“The goal of Connect Ohio is to create customized support for local communities to meet their individual technological needs while helping expand broadband service to all residents and businesses,” Strickland said in announcing the program.

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“Public-Private” partnership = fascism.

“fill in the gaps” = uneconomic allocation of resources (i.e., there’s no broadband there because no one want to pay for it)

No, once again, gooferment at work. Undermining our liberties. I wonder if the taxpayers of Ohio wanted their money going down this rat hole?

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