RANT: Pressure for higher taxes on rich


Globalisation backlash in rich nations
Pressure for higher taxes on rich
By Chris Giles in London
Published: July 22 2007 18:11 | Last updated: July 22 2007 18:11

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A popular backlash against globalisation and the leaders of the world’s largest companies is sweeping all rich countries, an FT/Harris poll shows.

Large majorities of people in the US and in Europe want higher taxation for the rich and even pay caps for corporate executives to counter what they believe are unjustified rewards and the negative effects of globalisation.

Viewing globalisation as an overwhelmingly negative force, citizens of rich countries are looking to governments to cushion the blows they perceive have come from the liberalisation of their economies to trade with emerging countries.

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And, that strategy always works so well.

One of these days, the poor will learn that the rich didn’t get that way by being stupid. The truly rich don’t advertise their wealth and take steps to shelter it from confiscation. So, you’ll never really get “them”. All that happens is that the poor get a shot to the foot.

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