TECHNOLOGY: More on Seattle taxpayers


>But, I say pity the poor soul who thinks that America’s only wealth is
>measured in tax dollars.

It’s not that I think America’s wealth is measured in tax dollars. That’s a negative measure; it’s the load on the vitality of Americans. The sand in the economic engine. The friction. Tax dollars are a measure of how much is REMOVED from some American’s investment account. Taxes are opportunities that can never be taken by the original earner. If you earn 100k from MLPF or Alba earns his 100k from JibberJobber AND you each lose 50k to taxes, then you and he can NOT invest in my latest get rich scheme — color coded name tags for families at wakes to tell who’s from what side of the deceased’s family. It’s a real winner!

Seriously, taxes deprive you and Jason from using your 50k as you see fit. Invest it, spend it, throw a party for all the MLPFers, or give it to your favorite charity. It’s YOUR money. It’s STOLEN from you at gun point. It’s nothing more than other people robbing you to use the sweat of your brow to feather their nests, reward their friends, and punish their enemies. The “good works”, that incidentally they use the illusion of legitimacy to do, hides the fact that they are using the proceeds of theft. Why if I steal your 50k and give it to the Salvation Army, do I go to jail? But the gang in DC steal your 50k, call it taxes, give a bureaucrat a job, throwing a bone to some purpose or other, and we’re all supposed to applaud them for the “service”? The hidden problem is that whatever you were going to do with your profits doesn’t get done. It right out out the Economics 101 “the broken window” fallacy. Society is a net loser when wealth is used to fix the broken window because it was NOT available to do something else. We see the window, but we don’t see all the effects of the action precluded. So too, we see “Seattle” but we can’t see what it precluded!

There’s a reason that taxes are compulsory. No one would pay them if there weren’t.

Gooferment “sells” us “services” that we don’t want at prices we can’t afford. Compare it to the “free market”. Not some of the nonsense where an industry is “regulated”, but a real free market, like the computer hardware market. If you want to “sell” me a service, then you have to satisfy my needs. If I’m in the least way dissatisfied, I have choices. If the gooferment “sells” me a service and I’m not satisfied, there’s nothing I can do.

>America’s greatest asset is attitudinal.

America’s greatest asset is the liberty that allows us to “be all that we can be”. We are the beneficiaries of a lucky happenstance of the American experiment. The Classical Liberals have freed us from oppression by Kings, Churches, and random gangs of thugs. They given us the “invisible hand of the marketplace”, the “division of labor”, and “all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”. They weren’t perfect by a long shot, but they gave us a huge start. We’ve, like the Prodigal Son, squandered or birthright by being lazy. Lazy in our thinking; that gooferment could give us something for nothing. Lazy in our complacency; that we need to always reinvent ourselves to take advantage of opportunity. Lazy in our faith; faith in our own abilities, the honesty of our fellow men, faith in the universe that gives us all we need. We’ve allowed gooferment to take over charity (i.e., welfare), education (i.e., indoctrination), and basic slew of other stuff!

Sorry, but we’ll have to disagree agreeably on the value of Seattle’s innovation. I’d be looking for the “hidden opportunities” that the “Seattle innovation” precluded.


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