LIBERTY: 6 More casualities in the phony “war on drugs”

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From: Reinke’s Jasper (mc68alum) Persona
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:16 PM
To: ManhattanCollegeAlumni
Subject: [ManhattanCollegeAlumni] MNEWS:6 MC students busted for drugs

MNEWS:6 MC students busted for drugs

6 college students busted for drugs
Wednesday, May 9th 2007, 4:00 AM

***Begin Quote***

Six students were hauled off Manhattan College’s Bronx campus in handcuffs
early yesterday to face drug charges, officials said. A month-long NYPD
investigation culminated in several search warrants being executed at the
Catholic school in Riverdale between 6 and 7 a.m., cops said. The students
“were placed on involuntary leave,” a school spokesman said.

***End Quote***

Even before this, I was against the pseudo “war on drugs”. Sad that these
people’s lives are now ruined. For what. For the gooferment’s ability to
tell people what they can put in their body?

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From: An Alum
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 4:02 PM
To: ‘Reinke’s Jasper (mc68alum) Persona’
Subject: RE: [ManhattanCollegeAlumni] MNEWS:6 MC students busted for drugs


What if they are dealing and contributing to a society of addiction?

Which leads to broken hearts, families, lives —

I’d like to see anybody argue, that “gooferment” and society has no vested
interest in preventing.

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From: Reinke’s Jasper (mc68alum) Persona
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:06 PM
To: An Alum
Subject: RE: [ManhattanCollegeAlumni] MNEWS:6 MC students busted for drugs

Well, let me take a stab at my argument and see if you buy it.


Let me try to make three arguments: from principles, from effectiveness, and from efficiency. (Just like I was taught in Theology class!)

The individual is sovereign. No one — not Prince, not Priest, nor Politician — has the right to tell any one what to do with their own body.
You, as does anyone, have the Intelligent Designer endowed right to make mistakes. Your mistakes. Further, no one has the right to force you to do anything. For any reason. In any manner. So drug use, and all the issues around it are none of our business. Bad things happen to people from their bad choices. The sooner people learn to not make bad mistakes, the better off they are. By babying them we prevent learning.

The prohibition on drugs is ineffective. Look around, drug use isn’t going down The laws of economics still work. Supply must meet demand at the clearing price. So, as long as addicts desire drug, the market will supply it. As an example, look at the gooferment’s prisons or schools! They can’t keep drugs out of there. What chance do we have in “regular society”.

The prohibition is inefficient. To get the full impact of drug prohibition is a staggering calculation. I think there are two calculations (a) the drug war AND (b) the drug regulations.

Just considering the drug war, you have to add all costs associated with it.
The cost of police, prisons, and the lost productivity of all those people jailed, and all the people around them. And, all the innocent collateral damage. I can’t add that high.

Just considering the gooferment’s regulation of drugs, the incestuous relation with the drug companies, the grand tacit conspiracy of docs, drug stores, drug company executives, regulators, and politicians is a fantastic cost. You have to get a permission slip on government stationary from a government agent (doctor), to take to the government approved store (drugstore), where a government approved agent (druggist) will dispense it, is paid for by a government agent (insurance company), and made by government approve makers. Subtract out all that gooferment and drugs would be cheap! Lest you say people will die and get sick from moonshine. “barbara streisand” Think Underwriter’s Laboratory for drugs. Nobody gets electrocuted but there’s no gooferment “protecting” you. And speaking of “gooferment protection”, don’t forget that the FDA approved Vioxx.

So, the gooferment’s force is wrong, the war on drugs is bogus, and the costs are absurd.

Does drug addiction cost society something? Sure! But, just put a tenth of the money spent on “prohibition” into research, treatment, and education.
Leave people to freely do “their thing” and the “drug problem” will be minuscule. Let the drug dealers compete with WalMart! Envision all the overdoses and poisonings are eliminated. What will all the Colombian drug lords do when WalMart moves in?

To me, the essence of liberty is giving people the free will and choices that I want for myself.

My wife’s a diabetic with severe medical problems and the drug nonsense really is insulting. She can’t buy syringes without government permission.
It’s insulting to be treated like a stupid little child.

That’s why gooferment, and “society”, has NO role in my, or anyone’s, drug use. Bad things happen; force makes it worse.




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