TECH SOFTWARE: DRUPAL a true content management system

About Drupal

***Begin Quote***

Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations have used Drupal to power scores of different web sites, including

* Community web portals
* Discussion sites
* Corporate web sites
* Intranet applications
* Personal web sites or blogs
* Aficionado sites
* E-commerce applications
* Resource directories
* Social Networking sites

***End Quote***

Maybe I’ve outgrown blogging. It doesn’t wow me like it once did. It hasn’t engendered or created the cooperative conversation I was hoping it would.

I know I am disillusioned with websites. They are static snapshots of the past. They don’t integrate of play nice with other uses.

Wikis are a content system of sorts but hmmm they don’t seem to jump up and create conversations.

Perhaps, I need more?

One thought on “TECH SOFTWARE: DRUPAL a true content management system

  1. Drupal is more than blogging platform. It gives you very poverful platrofm for almost any type of site, but it has a lot of “social” features for building communiites, etc. It has a lot of “built-in” and contributed modules and themes (see demo at But, … You can use drupal for blogging tool (specially for multi-user environment)

    {Editorial note: I fixed some errors in transmission. Respectfully, fjohn}


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