PRODUCTIVITY: Where do you spend your minutes and what do you have to show for it?

From The Electronic Recruiting News In Email_070427

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It’s like being thirsty in the middle of the ocean for most people. The explosion of sources of information leaves a bewildering set of problems for disciplined professionals. They boil down to “what is the best way to spend my time?” Certainly, reading 500 blogs is not going to make you a successful recruiter. The right five, however, might.

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Where do you spend your time productively?

That’s a tough question. IMHO, we humans don’t even know where we spend our time. Unless you’re a lawyer with a sophisticated time tracking for billing purposes system, no one has accurate data to work from. Most systems I’ve seen and worked with are “time charging” mechanisms. They are really about charging your time to some project or other. The accuracy of that is suspect at best and a joke at worst.

So how do you measure your time spent?

I have a rut of things that I do on a daily basis so I know those. The rest is in the hands of the Universe.

But, it would be nice to know where one is “spending” their minutes (like a cell phone bill) and it would be nice to know the ROI on those minutes.

Periodically, when I feel I have “lost my way”, I reassess what I am doing. I dump some habits and try to start new ones. I use that aforementioned rut as my friend. Getting in a good rut is productive; a bad one disaster.

It’s a terrible paradigm. But I have no other. Maybe that’s what twitter could be?

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