GUNS: Criminal brings a knife to a gun fight? Surprise, surprise!

Armed Citizen Stops Stabbing Spree
– Lonestar Times

***Begin Quote***

Proponents of gun control often use news of workplace massacres to justify their crusade against the Second Amendment. Try to reconcile that with this situation: “A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers, seriously injuring five before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.”
***End Quote***

Here we have the principle of an armed citizenry act as the police when they are not around. Note that the unarmed citizen was protected by the voluntary action of an armed citizen. Criminals have to guess who are the sheep and who are the guard dogs in disguise. I’m reminded of a cartoon, where the wolf carries away the biggest sheep in the flock, only to find the guard dog unzipping the costume, and punishing him. I’d like my fellow citizens to have that protective uncertainty. Plus, in the cited case, how many of us, unarmed, would confront this attacker? It’d be fool hardy. I would like to have seen the expression on the knife weilder’s face when he was looking down the barrel of a gun. I imagine he could get on the ground fast enough. See, that’s the part that gets under reported, guns don’t necessarily have to be fired to bring peace to a situation.

3 thoughts on “GUNS: Criminal brings a knife to a gun fight? Surprise, surprise!

  1. Hi John:

    Thanks for keeping me in the loop and part of your “linked-in” world. This is the first time I had the time to view your blog and this particular one concerning guns. I have always felt the same way you do and am glad to see we are on the same side concerning gun control and the constant violation of our second ammendment rights by the liberal left. People definitely kill people and they can easily do it without a gun. Here, a gun prevented the potential deaths and definite injury of who knows how many.



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