LIBERTY: The Constitution as an excuse instead of a restraint

Original Intent
by Charley Reese
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They would be disturbed at how we have allowed politicians and judges to turn the Constitution into an excuse instead of a restraint.
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(1) Return the foreign policy to not meddling in the affairs of others. 

(2) Disband the standing army and decommission the myriad of TLAs with guns and "police power".

(3) Return sovereignty to the states.

(4) Return to U.S. senators that are selected by the state legislatures.

(5) Eliminate any federal mandate on the states (i.e., one man one vote).

(6) A party should be Constitutionally limited from a majority in the Congress when the hold the Presidency. (Not sure how to word that one?)

(7) Federal judge could be impeached by the legislature of the state in which he sat.

(8) Federal government, as an agent of the states, can only pass laws about the states not citizens of those states.

(9) No federal involvement in education, welfare, medical care, foreign aid and domestic pork-barrel projects. 

I can live with that! I'm voting Charlie for President. We'll sort out the details later!

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