LIBERTY: A steroid policy? … here’s an idea. End the drug war now!

The South Brunswick Post
Don't base steroid policy solely on test.

***Begin Quote***

The state and the athletic association that oversees high school sports competition want to keep steroids out of high school sports.

They will begin testing athletes who reach state championship games for a variety of performance-enhancing drugs. Under the new state policy, which received unanimous approval from the executive board of the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association, 5 percent of championship-level athletes would be tested beginning in the fall. The tests would take place following championship-round games. Athletes found using steroids would be suspended for a year.
***End Quote***

Added: Thursday June 01, 2006
End the drug war now!

I can't think of a more intrusive demeaning thing that can be done to young people than the pee in the cup test.

It is a violation of human dignity.

People will always do dumb things. The dumbest is to think that the collective "we" can prevent people from doing what we consider "dumb things". When we allow this nonsense, human beings will demonstrate just how adaptable they are. You watch at the ways to evade, avoid, cheat, and otherwise take this "noble idea" and turn it into a joke. I recently read you can not only buy "clean" urine on the net. But you can also buy an appliance to make it look like its yours to the casual observer.

Where there is a will there is a way!

Keep on coming up with "dumb" ideas and crafty people will figure out a way around it.

End the drug war now! "We" lost.

Like most "wars", aka drugs, poverty, hunger, vietnam, terror, we lose! Stop them now!

f reinke, kendall park, nj

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