RANT: An unramed trio is robbed by four thugs with a gun


Chilling video shows Chicago dad robbed at gunpoint in front of home as wife, kids slept inside
By Yaron Steinbuch  —  June 1, 2023 8:09am

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A chilling video captured the moment a Chicago resident was robbed at gunpoint by a group of masked thugs in front of his home as his wife, kids and other relatives slept inside.

Victor Galena Sr. was on his way to work about 6 a.m. Friday in the Windy City’s Hermosa neighborhood when he and two companions were accosted by a group of robbers wearing black ski masks, CBS News Chicago reported.

“They started pointing a gun at my dad and [one of his companions] who was up here on those stairs,” the victim’s son Victor Galena Jr. told the news outlet.

The group had been counting the money that they planned to spend on construction tools that day when they were attacked by thugs.

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“It’s the people that you look up to that you call right away when you need someone to defend you, and if they can’t defend you, then who are you going to call if you’re defenseless by yourself?” he added.

Police said the same group of brazen thieves later committed the same crime against at least 10 other people — part of a string of robberies in which they target residents leaving for or arriving at their jobs.

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Sure glad that Chicago is “gun free”.

Wait until the vigilantes start to protect themselves.

This gang could be caught in a “honeypot”.  Early AM counting money with armed back up hidden away.

End of gang of robbers.

But then the liberal woke politicians and bureaucrats would be after their scalps.


Hard to believe that “We, The Sheeple” have ALLOWED politicians and bureaucrats to disarm us.

“God made men and women; Sam Colt made them equal.” — Unknown

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“I particularly like unlimited concealed carry. If the criminal regards the general public as sheep to be shorn, then let’s sprinkle in a few “sheepdogs” with big teeth in the flock.

Guess which gay to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Pink Pistol and you’re dead!

Guess which woman to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Paxton Quigly and you’re dead!

Guess which brown person to bash? Buzz, wrong, you picked a Massad Ayoob and you’re dead!”

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GUNS: Let’s sprinkle in a few “sheepdogs” with big teeth in the flock

I still believe this is THE solution to crime in “our” cities.
