TINFOILHAT: Did the Gooferment conspire with Big Pharma to sell a expensive alternative treatment — Governmental / Commercial — More likely than not


“Hydroxychloroquine blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into the endocytic pathway in mammalian cell culture”; this study needs clinical research but in a crisis, with ‘precautionary principle’, we use it

  • If a drug has been shown to be prior safe & effective, is available, not harmful, regardless if used for other purposes, with reports of benefit & you have & had nothing available, then you use it

Dr. Paul Alexander

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Yet we had many well conducted observational studies that showed strong benefit, so why did the FDA move to block this drug? 

*** and ***

“… when there is a threat of harm and nothing is available, you use what suggests works and can work and also is not harmful and not prohibitively expensive etc.; turns out it was blocked and still the NIH and CDC have never, to this date, studied the role of HCQ in COVID…and most studies done were corrupted and designed to fail. Wrong patient group, dose, timing of administration etc. Just pure corruption.”

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I remember how DJT45 was mocked for recommending Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin early in the pandemic.  Was it the Deep State’s plan to lock down the population, take away rights, and kill us with a non-vaccine “vaccine”?  And, of course, Big Pharma was more that happy to take “free money” and I’m sure that some of it wound up bak in the pockets of the politicians and bureaucrats.

I remember how India gave away a “mystery packet of pills” to combat Covid, but we were never told what was in that packet.

I remember Sweden not locking down and surviving quite nicely.  The same can’t be said for Israel.

A topic for another day is was covid a bio-weapon and was it deliberately released?



GOVEROTRAGEOUS: CDC admits the PCR is useless


Bombshell Admission — The COVID Tests Don’t Work
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola — January 14, 2022

  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, experts have warned that the PCR test is not as a valid diagnostic and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” nonreplicating viral debris
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection. For this reason, they say most people don’t need to retest negative before ending their quarantine
  • The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness
  • People who are double-jabbed or unvaccinated and test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days rather than 10, but should wear a mask for another five days when at work or in public. People who are triple-jabbed do not need to isolate after exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days
  • Health care workers who test positive for COVID but remain asymptomatic can return to work after seven days with a negative test, but isolation time can be cut to five days if there are staffing shortages

*** begin quote ***

From the earliest days of the COVID pandemic, the PCR test has been a source of unrelenting controversy, with experts repeatedly pointing out that it’s not a valid diagnostic and produces inordinate amounts of false positives.

Importantly, a PCR test cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. This is why it cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness1 lecture, media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness in order to create the appearance of a pandemic.

Furthermore, a PCR test cannot confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for his work, explains this in the video above.

Almost universally, health authorities have also instructed labs to use excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) — i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles — thereby ensuring a maximum of false positives.

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It’s all about creating the “plandemic”.

Time to clean house of all the Gooferment politicians and bureaucrats that have had a hand in propagating the “plandemic”.


GOVERNACIDE:Patents proved the Gooferment planned to kill people


Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 17, 2021

  • In the early 2000s, David Martin, Ph.D., founder of M-CAM International, started finding large numbers of patents that violate biological and chemical weapons laws
  • In 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.” In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak
  • Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • The 2001 anthrax attack, which came out of medical and defense research, led to the passage of the PREP Act, which removed liability for manufacturers of emergency medical countermeasures
  • The funds for entitlement programs and pensions will dry up by 2028, at which point the drug industry will go bankrupt as well. With a burgeoning population that is sick from the COVID jabs, we need to prepare new systems to care for each other

*** begin quote ***

“So, when you find a patent, for example, on a blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade — did you hear what I just said? ‘A blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade.’ Does that sound like it’s a common way to inoculate a population or does that sound like [a bioweapon]?

And so, finding a number of bioweapons patents, we started taking into account some very serious things. I published once a year the literal global phonebook of every biological and chemical weapon violation that took place anywhere in the world.

[It tells you] the who, the where, the who funded it, what their addresses are. It was … used by U.S. law enforcement, intelligence communities and elsewhere around the world to track things that were being done inappropriately. And, it was in 1999 [that] we started detecting that there seemed to be an alarming event around coronavirus, which we’re going to get into.”

*** end quote ***

Why would the world need a “biologic RPG”?

And where would you use?

And, what kind of “ammo” would you load it with? 

All indicates a nefarious purpose.
