GOVERNACIDE: If there is a silver lining to this grotesque charade, it is our growing awareness of the moral bankruptcy in our government, our media, our medical institutions

Connecting the Dots on Early COVID Treatments
By Antonio R. Chaves

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As you may well know, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin are among the most frequently mentioned drugs for early treatment of COVID-19. Both drugs were originally used to combat tropical diseases like malaria (HCQ) and river blindness (ivermectin). What follows is a very brief history of how they were repurposed for treating COVID-19

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Whether or not you believe HCQ and ivermectin are effective early treatments is beside the point: Both of these generic drugs are considered safe for pregnant women and many nations sell these drugs over the counter.

Given that there is no moral or scientific basis for this unprecedented disruption of the doctor-patient relationship, why are the CDC and FDA doing this? Why do some dying patients need to resort to a court order to access alternative treatment?

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If there is a silver lining to this grotesque charade, it is our growing awareness of the moral bankruptcy in our government, our media, our medical institutions. Most importantly, it has shed light on how easily massive segments of the population can be frightened into blind obedience.

If you still believe the lockdowns, mandates, and medical recommendations were hammered out in good faith, I have some Moderna stock to sell you.

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It seems fairly obvious that Big Pharma got a huge payday and the Gooferment, the politicians, the bureaucrats, the media, and medical institutions were in on the scam.

I don’t think that “We, The Sheeple” even today have any clue as to how badly they were fooled.  And, the long term effects have yet to be seen

