RANT: Impeach the Fulton County District Attorney and purge the whole office


Georgia Lawyer Writes in Daily Beast: ‘Why We Can’t Shrug Off the Fani Willis Scandal’
Kristina Wong  —  17 Jan 2024

*** begin quote ***

Fleischman noted that when a Georgia judge was found having sex with a public defender outside the courthouse, the courts found that this sexual contact required new trials for the accused.

“Just as here, the guilt or innocence of those accused was irrelevant. The conflict of interest required a new trial,” he wrote.

He predicted that Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee in February would likely disqualify Willis and her entire office, which would make it difficult to try Trump before the 2024 election.

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Impeach the Fulton County District Attorney and purge the whole office of the whole staff.  Lawyers should be referred to the Bar Association ethics committee.  Their fitness is at issue.  And, the Taxpayers are stuck for a lot money.  Who reimburses them?  And, all the confusion they have caused.  Can’t believe that this wasn’t  a well known office gossip topic.

