BIGOTRY: Maybe this is how Catholics should react to Gooferment diktats at every opportunity?

DECEMBER 14, 2021Austrian Catholics Launch Public Rosary in Response to Lockdowns

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Amid waves of highly restrictive lockdowns and a proposed universal COVID-19 vaccine mandate to start February 1, tensions in Austria, where I live, are on the rise. But in late November, a new light of hope appeared on the horizon, just in time for Advent. Louis-Pierre Laroche, a wine merchant and father of eleven, issued a call to pray the rosary with others in public, for Austria. Exhausted from the political responses to COVID offering just ever-increasing restrictions, suffering economically, isolated by the lockdowns, frightened and dismayed by the prospect of a universal vaccine mandate, Laroche’s call is resonating with Austrians eager to join in.

Weekly, on Wednesday evenings since the end of November, all over Austria people have started to gather in public to pray the rosary together as part of the Austria Prays initiative. The call is simple while also profound: “Pray for Austria!” every Wednesday night, in public, as a flyer explains, “so that our country, that is currently in one of the most serious crises in its history, will be entrusted to the Mother of God, and to ask for her intercession for all citizens.”

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MLK, echoing Ghandi, gave us the key to resistance to tyranny.  Peace quiet non-cooperation.  (Like 4 years old Daniel has taught me, no one can make ANYONE do what they don’t want to do.  They can only hurt or kill you.  They still won’t do what you want.)

I’d like to see more peaceful resistance to tyranny.
