HEROIC: All 41 construction workers are free

FROM 1440 (hello@join1440.com

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Good morning. It’s Wednesday, Nov. 29, and we’re covering the rescue of 41 men trapped in a tunnel for 17 days, a convicted murderer’s financial crimes, and much more. First time reading? Sign up here.

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India Tunnel Rescue

All 41 construction workers are free after being trapped inside a collapsed tunnel in northern India for over two weeks. The men were treated at a hospital and are reportedly in good health.

The men, reportedly working for $250 per month, were pulled through 187 feet of steel pipe on wheeled stretchers after the rescuers used hand-held drills to break through. The drilling machines had broken down Friday after rescuers had bored horizontally through a section of nearly 200 feet of fallen rock, coming within 50 feet of the cavern. The men were able to survive on food and oxygen supplied through narrow pipes.

The landslide-induced collapse first occurred Nov. 12 amid the construction of the three-mile Silkyara tunnel. The tunnel is part of the government’s $1.5M Char Dham highway project to connect four Hindu pilgrimage sites. The event has cast a spotlight on environmental concerns in the earthquake-prone Himalayan region.

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I call the “heroic” because humanity forced its way though several technical problems to get these men out alive.  No one sat around and did a cost benefit analysis.  Men and women got to work and “figured it out”.

Was it expensive in time, energy, and resources?  Sure.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely!

As a pro-life little L libertarian, EVERY life is worth saving.

41 families got to see their bread winner come home.  That’s what humanity is all about.

And, why I’m so anti-war; killing human beings over problems that can be solved makes little sense to me.  That’s why I’m anti-recreational abortion.  Or things like China’s one child policy; I guess they learned their lesson that more people is not a “problem” but asset; that yields more productivity.

Any way, kudos to all those who make it happen and even to those of us who just followed the story and preyed for their safe return.

Now let’s focus on saving more humans from war and “reproductive rights”.

Dona Nobis Pacem


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