RANT: Violence in Gooferment Skrules is unacceptable


SHOCK VIDEO: White High School Student Severely Beaten and Kicked to Death by 15 Thugs at Las Vegas School After Defending His Friend (VIDEO) (GATEWAY PUNDIT): these are feral animals, no excuse, IMO once we know the 15, I would hang them…all of them…15 blacks beat a white male to death, thats racism & Justice Department must act; if 15 whites killed a black kid, I would want same; hang them!

Dr. Paul Alexander
Nov 13, 2023

# – # – # – # – # 

Gooferment Skrules are training grounds for prisons.

This was a clear example of: black on white MURDER; black gangs in the school; and media bias.

While I’m not sure I want hangings, clearly this requires punishment to communicate that it’s not tolerated.

All 15 should be treated as adults.  With long prison time.

And, this can’t be an isolated incident.  The school must be shutdown and the staff dismissed.


Gooferment Skrules are the root of the problem.


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