POLITICAL: Maybe the right little L libertarian could slip in?


Democrats freaking out about potential third-party presidential spoiler

Commentary By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Friday, July 14, 2023 

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No Labels insists there’s a path forward for a third-party candidate, citing a recently conducted poll where an independent candidate, on the ballot with Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, starts the race with 21% support. The group insists it would be able to increase that base into a winning margin and not be a spoiler.

No Labels says its polling shows the public is open to a third-party candidate. According to an NBC News poll last month, 44% of registered voters say they are willing to consider supporting a third-party or independent presidential candidate if Messrs. Biden and Trump are the two major-party nominees in 2024.

No Labels is already on the ballot in five states, and hopes to get on all 50.

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Perhaps this might be the year, if the D’s split by RFKjr and others, and, the R’s split by the “never trumpets”, then the Libertarian Party which has ballot access in all 50 states just might “win”.   If by “winning”, that it hands the Electoral College and throws the race into the House where each State gets ONE vote.

Pass the popcorn, it should be a hoot!


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