GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Recognize that LBJ’s Great Society absolutely destroyed the black family

How The ‘Great Society’ Destroyed The Nuclear Family Structure In One Chart
by Tyler Durden  — Sunday, Jul 16, 2023 – 02:00 PM

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Who destroyed the American family?

The argument can be made that the Great Society programs initiated the destruction of the nuclear family structure. The blame starts with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s set of domestic programs in the mid-1960s that were used to fight ‘poverty’ but only discouraged work and destabilized families. 

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First, the US has the highest rate of single-parent households in the world. Second, the connection between single-parent households and crime is very strong. According to research carried out by Jerrod Brown, a behavioral specialist at Concordia St. Paul, the extant literature “suggests that children raised in single-parent households experience more physical and psychological problems compared to those raised in two-parent households.” Moreover, he added, the “implications of homes in which fathers are absent may be important to explore for criminal justice and mental health professionals.”

Maybe this whole Great Society experiment has gone terribly wrong. Let’s try something different. Maybe bring back the family unit and dial back welfare programs.

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I remember Malcom X’s quote: “… … It has turned out that it’s Johnson in the White House-and black votes were a major factor in his winning as decisively as he wanted to. If it had been Goldwater, all I am saying is that the black people would at least have known they were dealing with an honestly growling wolf, rather than a fox who could have them half-digested before they even knew what was happening.”  — Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X 

LBJ delivered a knock out blow to the black family and fooled the black into think he was “looking out for them”.

While I may not like Malcom X’s politics, he was often right!
