POLITICAL: Here’s a tax accounting trick that demonstrates an “Unintended Consequence” theft by taxes


Disney Deletes Streaming Movie That Only Released In May

  • Crater was released seven weeks ago, and now it’s gone

By Luke Plunkett
PublishedTuesday 8:49PM

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The “deleting shows and movies just to save some tax money”

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The plan—and Disney hasn’t confirmed Crater was wiped for this, but why else would it be—works like this: media companies have learned that by removing TV shows and movies from their streaming platforms they can write down the value of their “content assets”, which in turn reduces their overall tax bill. 

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I was stunned by this.  I thought the objective was to attract eyeballs.  Taking content offline … possibly forever … is counter intuitive.  

When the Gooferment gives a “copyright” what does society get when that “content” is deleted?



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