INSPIRATIONAL: 8th Grader Walks himself into a college scholarship

After 8th Grader Walked to Graduation, an NFL Star and University Team Up to Give Him a Ride to College
By Andy Corbley – Jun 5, 2023 

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A Missouri middle schooler was so determined to make it to his graduation, he ended up walking 6 miles.

Losing out on an opportunity for a ride there, 8th-grader Xavier Jones asked his friend and brother to walk along with him, remembering something a mentor at Yeatman Middle School had told him.

“‘If I want it, I got to go get it,’” Jones told Fox News, remembering the advice. Together, the young men walked over 10,000 steps and two-and-a-half hours through St. Louis to arrive at the school.

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“She said, ‘You got a full ride,’ and I said [to Xavier], ‘Do you know what that means,’ and he said, ‘They’re going to give me a ride to school?’” Seals said. “I was like, ‘No, you’re getting a ride to college. He said, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t have to pay for college. Then it started hitting him.”

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Miami Dolphins NFL player Terron Armstead, who grew up in a similar part of town to Xavier, had bought his family a minivan, and an electric bike to ensure transportation options are no longer a problem.

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An impressive young MAN! We hear a lot of bad things that “juvenile delinquents” do, but not enough stories like this one.

Very impressive actions by the college president and the NFL player.

I’m sure KARMA will reward them.


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