TECHNOLOGY: “your GPS is wrong!”

The Deeper Dig: How to get a truck unstuck from Smugglers Notch
By Riley Robinson
Aug 19 2022

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The Vermont Agency of Transportation has an internal word for when a tractor-trailer wedges itself on the windy mountain road between Stowe and Jeffersonville: a “stuckage.”

And while they’re working on a handful of ways to prevent stuck trucks, it remains a persistent, vaguely goofy, problem. Earlier this summer, not too long after the Notch road reopened from its annual winter hibernation, two trucks got stuck in the Notch in less than two weeks.

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Interesting that GPS is a technology that not only “captures” trucks but kills people who follow it into snowy forest roads or dry dessert washes.


As a “techie”, I know you can’t always trust the “computer answers”.  Having worked on Wall Street, I have seen traders lose obscene amounts of money because of their spreadsheet error. Say what they want about the old mainframe COBOL programs, there was not way to “inadvertently fat finger a formula”.

We don’t know what we don’t know.  And, that is our downfall.


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